Monday, February 13, 2012

I have 'cat mint' the reason I know it is because the stem is square, right?

But what then , is Cat Nip? What are either of them for? I don't have cats and I don't like them in my garden(they climb the fence) Is my 'cat mint' attracting them? I want to deter them!

I have 'cat mint' the reason I know it is because the stem is square, right?

Nepeta cataria is true catnip, but it is also sometimes called cat mint. There are also some other closely related plants that have the same effect on cats. Catnip does truly attract cats, so if you don't want cats in your garden, and who can blame you if you don't, you will want to totally rid your garden of the catnip.

As for what catnip is for there are a few answers. Some people, myself included, like the looks of it and grow it as an ornamental, others grow it so they can get their cat high, and some eat it, make tea with it, or use it as medicine. If you are interested in learning more the Wikipedia entry on catnip is a good place to start:

If you want something to repel cats try spraying orange oil on your fence. I have heard this works, but have never tried it my self.

Have a great day!

Reply:Thank you , I was going to pick you as best answer. I appreciate all the info. Report It
Reply:Get a pitbull
Reply:If you have cat mint you are atracting the cats in the area-my catmint is barely out of the ground and boy can my cats smell it already they go out there and roll all over it-I suggest you dig it up and give it to one of your neighbors that has cats!

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