Monday, January 30, 2012

How much does a mint 1947 1st edition copy of Goodnight Moon cost?

I'm assuming you own the book and you're trying to find out how much it costs? It depends if the book is a first PRINTING and a first edition of the book. I'm not sure how the print lines were handled back in 1947 (those numbers you see on copyright pages; they usually go 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1). If any of those numbers are missing, you don't have a first printing, which can and will detract from the value of the book. I think the most you could probably get would be, perhaps, $30, $40? The book is printed often, so it's not like there's a large demand for it.

How much does a mint 1947 1st edition copy of Goodnight Moon cost?
I don't think any are available.

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